Saturday, 26 June 2010

Men in suits...

Men in suits, dark suits, and blue World religious leaders press G8 nations on MDGsties by the looks of it. Seems that the world is ruled by men in suits.
One day, the world will be ruled by men in white robes. It's called righteousness, and the saints will be clothed in it and rule the earth for a thousand years. What a different earth that will be...Ruled by righteousness.

Think of everything that is terrible in the world today and imagine a world without it. Wow, what a place to be.

Personally, I'm ready. I've got my ticket and a place is reserved for me. It's guaranteed by the Holy Spirit too, so no government or recession can take it from me. Not the devil himself!

I wonder if you can say the same, with the same assurance that I have. If not, why don't you take a moment right now and say, "Lord Jesus, I come to You as a sinner and give my life into Your hands, knowing that You will take away my sin, and reserve a place for me in Your kingdom. Come and be Lord of my life. Amen."

If you prayed that from your heart you are now born again, with a ticket to heaven and the same guarantee that I have. Welcome to the Kingdom of God, saint.

Who's the Chump?

'Ere our Agatha and say 'ello to yer great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great great, great, great,

grand dad!

Yeah, like you're descended from me? Pull the other one!

Isn't the sunshine wonderful...

I love it. Somehow, it makes all seem right with the world. Maybe it's all that vitamin E we get from it.

I live in a great place to enjoy it too. Local hills to walk on. Quaint spar town to visit. Tea shops, coffee shops, cake shops...

So why am I here staring at this blummin computer screen???

Friday, 25 June 2010

There has to be a better way!

I've just stood in a queue at the post office for 25 minutes. Ahead of me, four old dears coming for their pension. All four had real trouble entering their pin numbers. One had to give up or the card would have been blocked. She walked away looking very unhappy...And with no money. Maybe she won't eat tonight, who knows.

The point is this, generations above mine are not well suited to cards and pin numbers. One old chap had trouble because his hands were not that steady.

Add to that they walk out of the shop stuffing cash into purses and handbags, a very easy target for any passing lout. It's a wonder that more don't get knocked on the head.

In two and a half years I'll be there getting my pension (if Cameron hasn't swiped it!) I'll be Ok cos I'm familiar with cards and keypads, but my heart goes out to those who are just not able to handle the modern technology.

Dear Lord, please protect and keep them in their seniour years.


Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Up on the hills

Every so often I 'feel' the need to spend some quality time with the Lord. The hills provide the perfect backdrop for this. I was up there the other day seeking the way forward when he reminded me of a scripture that had come to me earlier that morning. "I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me." "Yes," He said, "That includes paying the bills."

Isn't He amazing!

Talk about selling you soul to the devil, read this..

"As part of a concerted move to woo the ‘pink vote’, Prime Minister David Cameron has hosted a ‘Gay Pride’ festival reception at Number 10 ahead of Pride Fortnight which starts on 18 June 2010. Mr Cameron pledged his support for homosexual ‘rights’ before jokingly referring to his deputy, Nick Clegg, as ‘my own civil partner’.

He welcomed homosexual celebrities and members of the Armed Forces who celebrated the event at Number 10 as the Prime Minister became the first Tory leader to advance homosexual causes. It is reported that the event was designed to help boost the perception of the new Government as a champion of ‘equality’, after decades in which the Conservatives have been accused of ‘homophobic prejudice’."

In the last century, there was a great lie, "Government of the people by the people for the people." What we are heading into now is another great lie…"Government of the people by a minority for the minority.

Cameron is the devil's man, as was Blair and Brown before him. But Cameron is the result of the other two, a true antichrist. "By their fruit you will know them…" Watch for great success and then sudden tragedy. The devil is no lover of those who follow him.

Faith or Faith?

Daft question? No it isn't...

You see, some people treat faith as a noun. I belong to the Roman Catholic Faith. Or, I belong to the Anglican faith. Another way of saying it would be, I'm a Catholic, or I'm an Anglican. As if belonging to that particular group held some sort of magical power to save.

Celebrities will often talk about their faith, but only ever using the term as a noun. A dead give away is the fact that they never say the name, Jesus, Who is the author and perfecter of our faith.

Here's the rub, the word faith is a verb! It's a 'doing' word…The Bible tells us, faith without works is dead. And some might argue that both the above 'faiths' are dead. Leave that one with you.

Abraham is called the father of faith because he actually got up off his butt and obeyed God. Both in following Him to a new land, andin almost slaying his own son. True faith requires action, not just belief. True love for God is shown by obedience to His will, not just paying lip service.

As for man made ritual and tradition…Forget it! Jesus clearly said that such things nullify the power of God. Again, both the above could be accused of that crime. Leave it with you again.

True faith then is hearing what God wants you to do and doing it. Regardless of how daft it may seem to those who walk in the noun version. Faith and common sense are not good bed fellows. True faith flies in the face of logic, common sense and human wisdom. Those who walk in verb faith are often regarded as nutters! Well, that makes Abraham a nutter, Moses a nutter, Paul a nutter and Jesus, the chief nutter. Seems like those of us who actually believe what the Bible says, and act upon it in faith, are in good company. (could say, God company.)

I pray this little blog will help you to start treating faith as a verb. It's much more fun than the other sort!!!!

God bless.

Sunday, 20 June 2010

We are living in modern times

Occasionally I get to baby sit Jack, (he appears earlier in this blog - my god son), this gives me the chance to watch some TV, (I don't have TV at home so this is novel for me...Sad but true) after he's in bed of course. Well, I was watching last night when an add came on for a squitty little renault car. It went like this.........

Four lads driving down a city centre street passing a night club where there is a queue outside waiting to get in. The camera focuses on four big chaps in the queue dressed as women. We call them transvestites, (does this make me a transvestaphobe?????). The driver calls out to the big guy at the front and says, "Hi dad, can you get us in?" The closing caption comes up, "We are living in modern times."

Their idea of modern is off by a few thousand years. We've had trannies with us for a long time, like prostitues and homosexuals of every variety, and every other kind of filth and perversion you can think of...

What's modern is the blatant acceptance of said filth and perversion as both normal, which it isn't, and acceptable, which it isn't. So much so that it is used in adverts and thought to be funny. We are a sad nation now. Gone is any semblance of decency, honour, integrity etc..... All gone. The only way now is down. The government will do nothing to change that, in fact, they are hell bent on accelerating the downward trend with every means at their disposal, namely, the law.

There is an agency somewhere that is supposed to regulate adds so that nothing false gets through. I remember some time back how they came out in arms against a church advertising healings that had taken place. But where are they when you have slogans like, "Spray more, get more." The more being casual sex from women who are bowled over by the smell of the product. How pathetic!

Where are they when the name of Jesus is blasphemed openly and treated as fun? We know where they are if the same insult is aimed at Islam. How about when the so called gays (for gay they are not!) insult us straights?

You know, they'll push this stuff down our throats so much that there will come a backlash. It won't come from Christianity, it'll come from Islam. When Islam does eventually take over this country, gays watch out, Islam kills homosexuals. It kill Christians too...

We are living in modern times? Yes. We are living in: foul, filthy, evil and violent times. We are reaping what we have sown, and it isn't over yet.

Here we go again

Yet more gay rubbish is coming, read on...

"Minister for Women and Equalities Theresa May set out plans on Wednesday to tackle prejudice against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in all aspects of life, including education, the workplace, the criminal justice system and international rights.

The announcement signals the coalition Government’s intention to continue the work of promoting homosexuality started under the previous Government and will see it take up Labour’s drive to allow same-sex couples to register their relationships in a religious setting."

It seems that this minister, let's call her Treason May is hell bent on lowering the standards yet again to promote perversion. It's difficult to see how they can elevate homosexuals any higher. Maybe they could give them tax relief, or higher benefit, or lower vat for them. As it is, we ( I mean us straight guys) all have to bow before them. We are not allowed to say anything about what they are or do or we end up in courte being fined and branded haters. Just talking about them brands us homophobes.

It seems that the coalition (condems I called them earlier in this blog) are starting to show their true colours. Cameron got into bed with Cleg and the result, prostitution of any morals he may have had. This is adultery in its worst form. He sold himself for power.

Cameron, you are a disgrace. Cleg, you are a disgrace. The pair of you are not fit to govern this once noble nation.

To my fellow Christians I say: Fear not, the Lord is coming back soon and we will be free of this godlessness for all eternity.

"Even so, come Lord Jesus."