Friday, 21 May 2010

This made me laugh

Got this from a radio interview last night...

Seems an American team have created a synthetic living cell. The inventor was very clear (for a scientist) that this was NOT creation of life, but a synthetic cell that could divide and so replicate itself. Quite an achievement.

Another scientist (not an American) was interviewed after and asked, "Is this playing God?" Don't you just love these dumb questions! Well listen to this dumb answer...

The guy said, "Well, it just proves the theory of evolution and that random chance can create life..."


What a plonker. It took a team of top scientists 15 years to DESIGN the whole thing, and they used already EXISTING LIFE as a foundation on which to BUILD their experiments until THEY succeeded.

Makes you wonder, are they that thick before they go to university, or do they learn it whilst they are there.


Thursday, 20 May 2010

Baby killers inc

Channel 4 stoops to new lows in their desperate battle to stay on the air. Revenue from advertisers is reduced so it becomes necessary to clutch at straws like this abomination. Read on...

"Marie Stopes is set to make TV history when it advertises its abortion services on Channel 4 at 2210 GMT on May 24. The advert asks 'Are you late?', referring to women who may have missed a period, and will then run throughout June."

It is being broadcast as part of a wider campaign by the registered charity to “confront the taboo of abortion”.

Here's what the advert won't say…A hem…drum roll please…

"Pregnant??? Have no fear, we are here to kill your baby at no cost to you!!!"

or how about this one...

"Pregnant, worried? No problem, come to Marie Stopes the butchers and have your problem removed. Leave feeling empty and lifeless….AND IT'S FREE. You'll just pay for it for the rest of your life!"

You may not agree with my outrage at the slaughter of innocent children, but you HAVE to agree that abortion is the destruction of a human life.

"Around 200,000 abortions take place in the UK each year. Marie Stopes earns around £30m a year from the NHS for carrying out abortions."

Confront the taboo of abortion? Crap! They just want to make more money.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Hunger for Bibles 'growing' in China

Christianity is growing like wild fire in China, praise the Lord, and they are hungry for the Word of God. In China, there is only one printer allowed to print Bibles, and they can't keep up with the demand.

Here's a thought….

Why don't all the Godless sections of the church, you know, the ones who ordain homosexuals, donate their Bibles to those who will actually read them. Those who actually believe what it says and consider it to be the actual word of God, and to be obeyed!

Well, they don't need them do they. They could use the Beano, or Punch, and no one would know the difference. Truth is, they don't deserve the Bible, but the Chinese do.

The Free Church?

The Free Church of Scotland is considering allowing the use of hymns and instruments in worship for the first time.

Supporters in the Church believe it may help attract new members to struggling congregations.

It won't. But this will…

Drop the dead religion which is the thing that is driving people away from you.
Get born again and Spirit filled as the Bible commands.

The music, the joy and the worship will follow automatically, closely followed by a growing congregation.

You see, people are attracted to life, not death. Jesus said, "I have come that your JOY may be complete." He also said, "If I am lifted up I will draw all men to myself." Start preaching Jesus…

I'm wasting my breath, aren't I…!

This made me smile...

On the proposed abolition of OfCom, the Christian Broadcasting Council commented…

"The organisation fears that the move would lead to Christian views being stifled, as political correctness took over from common sense." said CBC chairperson Olave Snelling.

Seems they've already bowed to that fear. What's wrong with gender anyway? Why is chairman or chairwoman not correct? If this was in French, even the chair would have a gender!!!

Beats me.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Episcopals about to ordain lesbian!

The Devil never comes looking like 'the Devil'. No, he uses smiling faces...'Nice' people...

But none the less,