Well, has it been a year already? Seems like only yesterday that I was arriving at platform 60, how time flies. What a year it has been, some ups and a few downs, but in all cases, God proved His faithfulness beyond any doubt. Sometimes we have to be down to see how God is unbending in His Love and care for us. What a wonderful Saviour we serve.
God’s provision has been amazing this year. Several times I was starting to sweat over late bills, but, as if by miracle, the money came in just in time. He does that with me, makes me wait, not every time, but when my faith seems weak seems to be His favourite. Still, we always come out stronger when He does that, so bless Him for ever.
Sixty was a good year in the main. I’ve learned a lot, mainly through losing battles, but that’s a great way to learn. The only way to never lose a battle is to never get into one...At least I’ve got half of it right!
So, what will 61 bring? More ways to outreach I hope. Doing the radio work I do is a great way to, ‘go into all the world.’ As is web siting. I’ve built 3 sites for clients this year and hope to build many more.
I’d very much like to get back into writing songs and stories. Seem to have gotten out of that mode in the past year. My Jacko stories have been aired on Eternal Radio this year. Cheers Stephen and Vellma, you are God’s own.
Thanks to my new pastor, I’m preaching more now, playing bass in church too which is wonderful. What a blessing to have a pastor who lets you off the leash and not be threatened by it. Pastors take note, the church’s purpose is to build up the saints for works of service. Mine is doing just that...I’m blessed.
So, here’s to another year with the Lord and my brothers and sisters here on earth.
God bless you, whoever you may be, and remember, Jesus loves you passionately.