Wednesday, 22 August 2007

Have you ever felt real terror?

The real stuff I mean, not just hiding your eyes from something on the TV. Well I have. It happened almost 20 years ago at night as I lay in bed. I awoke from a bad dream which I can't remember. I was shaking and in a cold sweat. I find it hard to describe the actual feeling other than to say I was truly terrified.

So what was the source of my terror? I felt lost. Lost? But I was at home in my own bed, how could I be lost? I knew I was lost because I had wandered away from my Saviour; left Him behind to go into the pop music world. Bad mistake.

You see, I know my Bible, and it states clearly that Jesus is coming back to claim His own, and I knew that if He came at that instant I would be left behind...Lost forever in an eternity without Him. We call it Hell. Say what you like, it terrified me. Almost by instinct, I said, "Welcome back Lord," and invited Him back into my life. Well, what a contrast. A surge of love hit me like warm sticky goo. The shaking stopped. I went from abject terror to absolute peace in a matter os seconds. I knew in my heart that I was no longer lost. He had found me again. Now, when He does eventually come back, I know I'll be going with Him.

The Bible says, "There is no fear in love," and it's right. When you are loved by the creator of the universe, what's to be scared of?


  1. Dear boy, you say things like "welcome back Lord" and "He had found me again"......just a thought, but wasn't God saying "welcome back Colin" and was it not YOU that had found HIM again?

    I do remember one night of awful fear. I was not a Christian then, so I can only guess that it was Him who was protecting me.

    I was in my 20s and I had gone to my beloved Gower Peninsula in South Wales. I had my two dogs with me and settled down for the night in a parking area at Oxwich Bay (when you could park there overnight). I was surrounded by sand dunes and was listening to the sound of the waves breaking on the shore. Wonderful. I was in the back of the car under a duvet and there was a dog on each of the front seats. All of a sudden I was overcome with such fear that I could hear my heartbeat coming out of my mouth. I KNEW that there was someone lurking with a knife and that I was in great danger. I quietly called the dogs into the back of the car and moved into the drivers seat. I do remember praying that the car would start OK (even though I wasn't a Christian). It did start and I tore off at high speed and parked in the local village under a street lamp. When I woke in the morning, people were walking past the car and staring through the steamy windows. A girl curled up in a duvet in the back of a VW Beetle and two dogs asleep on the front seats.

    But I was alive and, to this day, KNOW that my life was in a great deal of danger.

    Keep blogging mate - love you

  2. I guess it was both. He made me an offer I couldn't refuse!

    What on earth where you doing there?


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